Sunday, 8 February 2015

Initial Ideas on Haram (BP22)

The sub-genre we have chosen to create is Youth Drama.

Our storyline is about a muslim girl that is metaphorically living two lives, the halal and the haram one. The plot of this was to show the comparison of the way she acts with her muslim friend and the way she acts towards her non-muslim friends.

The main character is called Leyla and she is a calm and collected girl when she is around her muslim friends but is always peer pressured into doing stuff when she is with her non-muslim friends. She feels ashamed of wearing the scarf in front of them so she always takes it off before meeting them which is a way of showing us that she wants to fit in with them by being like them and wants to be accepted by the group.

The social group that will e introduced are the Drug Addicts who Leyla is going to hang around with after meeting her muslim friend.

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