Sunday, 28 December 2014

10 Thing I Hate About You (Blogpost Task 7)

My favourite film is '10 Things I Hate About You' . The title sequence is very engaging and creative.The beginning introduces the institution of the film through the large blue text at the centre down the bottom of the shot. The large size of the text suggests the importance of the institution and the contribution they had to the film. This text appears from the right of the screen from a blue thick line which then appears as a blue circle left of the text and it is stationary once centre of the screen. It then lights up gold creating the text to stand out to the audience even more, presenting its importance once again. The same production company is presented once again however in the same text of the cast and crew which will soon follow. This ties the film in with the institution to present that they were the main production of the film. This time the text is right in the centre of the screen, standing out in a bright green colour. This text is animated and moving around fast as if it is sketched into the shot, creating a fun and upbeat feeling. Overall the title sequence gives the genre of movie which is teen, and it sets its purpose which is setting the mood of the movie.

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